Context is Half the Work

We were invited to contribute an article to a column called 'Critical Practice' in Slovenian publication Reartikulacija / Rearticulation, an 'artistic, political, theoretical and discursive platform, a collective of artists, theorists, philosophers and translators'. The magazine had previously only been published in Slovenian but from this issue will be published in English too. The text below replicates the work as it was submitted.

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shebang view ,

soho , I don't know you within an inch , have shy kation sire within To re-do one's hair whom do you take me for try we to you Ian and shebang view wedded. I've researcher upward yours through work and found this ugly why idea with view it's me thereby to present. it's me zone off view , who there is however publication within scheme with however sheet 'Reartikulacija' Eng : Rearticulation ) and yammer like to offer you however where why yours unsparly situation within however column 'Critical skill who it's me 'editing'.

'Rearitkulacija' there is performer , tricky , theoretical and wordily platform , who there is however wedded with performer , theorizer , philosopher and translator. view there is within reactivate and to adhere together however sleeping and vacuous Territory with umbilical Europe uppermost Slovenija and Hesperian The Balkans ( Croatian Bosnia , Servia Lump coal , Montenegrin , Macedonian ), till then withal tother neighboring countrified undivulged for instance vinegar , Hungarian and ultramontane and ulteriorly with wide zone with Europe. 'Reartikulacija' starter in October 2007 undivulged however Slovenian till then publication , yet with upcoming treason (3rd), and every successive treason , publication goes Internationale and yammer to stop printing and electronically stationer bilingual Slovenija English.

Should you to stop set within return yours 'critical situation upward yours work whether optional tother treason you are working upward within publication you're welcome. ( view withal small , trammel and specification why variously detail )

small 'Critical skill there is however column whence I'm upbringing uppermostly performer ( visual performer performative performer , musician , and so on. ) whom do you take me for are working uppermost within chosen areas with your skill , yet using theoretical , unsparly thought and tother kind with writing within substantiate your visual pereformative , whether musically waist with work. I see this purview undivulged however unsparly situation however statement however theory with one , however duet whether however team. Z unsparly yours truly yellow however relation between waist with work and your existence and worth within contemporary science and union. either videlicet philosophicly full-blown tongue , relativity within idea however idea and whether waist with work , whether however sociogeny tricky stir-about , and world parethicly. tenor with unsparly discourse chosen area there is universality programme and there is yours resolution. within purview you to feel up to chose similitude whether however series with similitude ( line-drawing , documentation , diagram ) within substantiate yours paper. paper does thingummy want within to stop newly full-blown idea whether idea upward yours work ( whether up IV wing this ), till then indurate lava to stop however 'presentation' with however work works this you put a sock into it and yet recipency yore. muscoid terminal theme with yours paper purview yammer thingummy wait young and old to stop however work. zone with The Balkans ( and whilom Yugoslavia uniquely ) there is within your historied zone widely trustingly with 'extreme' terminal percipience with science and should thingummy to stop stoppage with optional vista.

whether you have optional ulteriorly querit yours truly 'act' as well summons 'editor' and I must throughout within generate however interlocutory ( true whether you to want for whether wish prebiti purview there is tick-tack to cry blue murder. it's me withal projectile back within Londoner within 26th January and indurate lava whether upon I you had whether you would want worthy waffle variously abut this.

it's me thundering worried upward however wee publication. the dead watermark there is the Lord's day 3th February. however dober 2 week with today. yammer this to stop workable? if not yours truly indurate lava stound this ulteriorly why white elephant days.

žal yours truly I can't offer you optional terra ferma undivulged 'Reartikulacija' initiative there is unsparly upward volunteer theme with young and old party. you may ( and vista yammer ) in the future to stop put in for why symposiums within whether some Slovenija and true whether view gets recipency within STUDY to stop zone with presentation.

yours truly yammer preference to publish yours share whether you indurate lava regard this understanding.


Way out Bleat

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ko?a krajšava za ,

halo , ne vem vi za las , življati plašen kation kot naslov notranja stran v drugi ton oktave - delati v želodcu las mislite za?eti mi vam na uslugo Ian ter ko?a krajšava za poro?en. I've znanstveni raziskovalec glej upwardly vaš skozi opus ter ustanavljati to nelep zakaj umislek s krajšava za jaz sem pri tem podati. jaz sem trak ne sveže krajšava za , kdo je vendar oglas notranja stran na?rt s vendar rjuha 'Reartikulacija' Eng : Rearticulation ) ter tarnati vše? biti ponuditi vi vendar kraj zakaj vaš nevar?en položaj notranja stran vendar stolpec 'Critical vajenost kdo it's mi 'editing'.

'Rearitkulacija' je izvršitelj , rafiniran , teoreti?en ter iz besed sestavljen plos?ad , kdo je vendar poro?en s izvršitelj , teoretik , kdor zna živeti ter prevajalec. krajšava za je notranja stran reaktivirati ter biti v zvezi vendar spanje ter puhel pokrajina ki še ni dobila ranga zvezne države s popkov Europe najgornji Slovenija ter zapadni Balkan ( hrvaški Bosnia , Srbija kosovec , ?rnogorec , makedonski ), dotlej z drugi okoliški pokmeten nerazglašen na primer kisel , madžarski ter prekgorski ter kasnejši s širok trak s Europe. 'Reartikulacija' starter oktobra 2007 nerazglašen vendar slovenski dotlej oglas , odprtina s prihajajo? izdajstvo (3rd), ter sleherni zaporeden izdajstvo , oglas goes internacionala ter tarnati zastajati tiskanje ter electronically papirni?ar utrakvisti?en Slovenija angleški.

Should vi zastajati število enakih oseb notranja stran odziv vaš 'critical položaj glej upwardly vaš opus ali poljuben drugi izdajstvo delaš glej upwardly notranja stran oglas prosim. ( krajšava za z tesen , vle?na mreža ter specifikacija zakaj razli?en podrobnost )

tesen 'Critical vajenost je vendar stolpec odkod I'm vzgajanje najviše izvršitelj ( vizualen izvršitelj performative izvršitelj , godec , in tako dalje. ) mislite ste ki dela najgornji notranja stran chosen areas s vaš vajenost , odprtina using teoreti?en , nevar?en misel ter drugi milosten s pišo? notranja stran substantiate vaš vizualen pereformative , ali glasben život s opus. razumem to ?len nerazglašen vendar nevar?en položaj vendar referat vendar teorija s nedolo?ni zaimek , vendar dvogovor ali vendar skupina. z nevar?en Vaš vdani rumeno pobarvati vendar logi?ni odnos med život s opus ter vaš obstoj ter postati notranja stran sovrstnik veda ter zveza. vsak izmed obeh namre? filozofski poln - švrk jezik , žlahta notranja stran umislek vendar umislek ter ali život s opus , ali vendar veda o izvoru ?loveške družbe rafiniran premešanje - približno , ter opustiti posvetno rabo parenteti?en. vsebina s nevar?en razgovor chosen area je vsesplošnost plan ter je vaš odložnost. notranja stran ?len vi moei chose prispodoba ali vendar zaporednost s prispodoba ( ?rta - risba , dokumentacija , naris ) notranja stran substantiate vaš papir. papir does ta in ta biti brez notranja stran zastajati na novo poln - švrk umislek ali umislek glej upwardly vaš opus ( ali gori na leteti to ), dotlej strjen lava zastajati vendar 'presentation' s vendar opus tovarna to si dal a zadetek v to ter odprtina sprejemnik neko?. mahovnat semestralen tema s vaš papir ?len tarnati ta in ta ?akati staro in mlado zastajati vendar opus. trak s Balkan ( ter neko? Jugoslavija edino ) je notranja stran vaš zgodovinski trak široko zaupen s 'extreme' semestralen zaznavanje s veda ter should ta in ta zastajati ustavitev s poljuben razgled.

ali vi življati poljuben kasnejši kverulant Vaš vdani 'act' enako oklic 'editor' ter moram skozi notranja stran sploditi vendar pogovoren ( zvest ali vi potrebovati ali želeti prebenda ?len je tiktakanje - žeblji?ek s ploš?ato glavico zagnati krik in vik. jaz sem z gonilen prislon notranja stran London?an notranja stran 26th januar ter strjen lava ali na si imel ali vi hoteti biti brez ugledna zaslužna oseba blebetati razli?en abut to.

jaz sem grme? mu?en glej upwardly vendar koš?ek oglas. umrli vodni žig je nedelja 3th februar. vendar dober 2 teden dni s danes. tarnati to zastajati izvedljiv? v nasprotnem primeru Vaš vdani strjen lava ostra bole?ina to kasnejši zakaj danajsko darilo days.

žal Vaš vdani ne morem oferirati vi poljuben kopno nerazglašen 'Reartikulacija' podbuden je nevar?en glej upwardly prostovoljno se javiti tema breja ter star stranka. smeš ( ter razgled tarnati ) odslej zastajati potegovati se za zakaj symposiums notranja stran ali neki Slovenija ter zvest ali krajšava za gets sprejemnik notranja stran uk zastajati trak s predstavitev.

Vaš vdani tarnati ugodnost prioble?iti vaš porazdeliti ali vi strjen lava pogled to razumeven.

spoštljivi pozdravi

izhod izblebetati

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'Context is Half the Work' was made by feeding Rearticulation's invitation to us into a free web-based Slovene/English translation program, and then repeating the process to obtain a new 'English' version. The process was repeated one more time to obtain a final 'Slovene' version.

The editorial board of Rearticulation rejected 'Context is Half the Work'.