CAMPUS (2005)

The Hut Project was first initiated at Middlesex University. In this first incarnation a temporary structure (the hut) was built and situated within campus grounds but outside of institutional control. Responding to a lack of critical space at the institution, The Hut Project canvassed the opinion of students and staff, using questionnaires to ascertain what they felt was missing in general from the University with the intention of providing some of these things. This attempt to establish an ideal site resulted in a fluctuating use for the hut structure. These multiple uses included a temporary bar (the student union having been removed by university authorities the previous year), a staff room, a site for student-led tutorials and seminars as well as a communal discursive space for students and staff to mix. Quotes from the questionnaires were then displayed on pinboards within the university buildings allowing a space for anonymous criticism from staff and students of the institution. All activities from within the structure were broadcast live on FM radio, acting as a simultaneous invitation to the campus to listen in, or to take part.